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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Sixteenth Birthday JJ! ! !

Today JJ is 16 years old. . .and boy oh boy, did we go on the hunt for the PERFECT birthday present. . .Actually, Bud has been looking at jewelry for her for about 3 months now (trying to find just the right thing). . .

Friday, on mom and boys day, we finally found it. . .
It came down between a ring and this necklace and we wound up calling BB to come help make the decision. . .My boy has good taste! ! ! LOL . . .Due to it just being a gift BB suggested the necklace. . .Tell ya what, by the time the decision was made - I was pooped! ! ! We went to every jewelry store in town! ! !

Last night Bud took JJ to dinner and then he brought her by the house so he could give her her present. . . (Tonight is family night and Bud isn't sure he will get to go due to football.)

He made her close her eyes. . .LOL

She was just a little surprised. . .She told me she couldn't quit smiling. . .LOL - So, I think Bud did okay choosing her 16th Birthday gift. . .

I've asked a couple of times what they will do when she starts driving herself to school. . .but still no answer. . .She has to wait until December to get her license due to the law of having to have a permit for 6 months and not being able to get a permit until they have had driver's ed. . .

Happy 16th Birthday JJ! ! !


At 7:18 AM, Blogger Pamela said...

Sweet sixteen... and you got the pictures and Bud looks so proud


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Vicki said...

Ahh those were the days....

how fun to watch

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

Pamela - he was beaming. . .LOL

Vicki - I remember my sixteenth - lol - I didn't have a boyfriend at that time so I didn't get a gift like she did - lol

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Karmyn R said...

I'm smiling - so sweet.

And I must say - Bud's hair is looking much better (after the whole Mohawk affair!)

I didn't have a boyfriend at 16 - but a guy friend gave me a newspaper. How romantic was that?

At 5:16 PM, Blogger SongBird said...

Lucky girl!!!

At 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sweet! And what a cute couple!

At 5:26 AM, Blogger Susan in va said...

Aren't they the cutest couple! I love the picture where your son's arms are crossed - he knows he did good, doesn't he? LOL!!

Happy 16th Birthday, JJ!!

(P.S. Nice job on the amethyst - that's my birthstone!)

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

Kamyrn - Doesn't the hair look good? Just get ready - usually during basketball he grows it out - UG - I think I like the Mohawk better. . . What was in the newspaper? LOL - just curious. . .

I'm with you Songbird! ! !

Thanks Jenny. . .

Susan - isn't he just the stud????? LOL - he was as fun to watch as JJ. . .

It took forever to find the right gift! ! ! LOL

At 6:32 PM, Blogger M J said...

That was so sweet. Young love. Ahh.. those were the days.

He certainly does have good taste. What a guy.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

LOL MJ! ! ! He does have good taste (got that from me - :) ) - - expensive taste. . .

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Silly Hily said...

They are so freakin' cute! Do they know we are all following them on their little love journey? :-)
JJ is one lucky girl! I totally wish I had a stud like Bud to give me a pretty necklace on my 16th birthday.


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