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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Don't Dish It Out If You Can't Take It

A friend of mine called me yesterday morning and asked if my "FARMER FRIEND" had called me. I told her she had but that I couldn't talk at the time. . .

Well, BB commenced to tell me that "Farmer" had called her and told her that our boys were teasing her son. (He just rolled his truck last week.) Of course it was the typical boy stuff, "If it had been a Chevy instead of a Ford it wouldn't have tore it up." BFD!

I finally talked to "Farmer" later and she asked if Bud was in a better mood. I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that the boys were teasing her son, "Whinebag". I told her that "boys will be boys".

This happens quite a bit. . .Now, mind you, "Whinebag" teases the other boys all the time, yea, Bud comes home and tells me what he's done - but BFD! We blow it off and go on. I sure don't call "Farmer" and tell her "Whinebag" is picking on Bud. Is he in a better mood?

Urrrrrrr! Good Grief! "Farmer" grow the Hell up! Teach your kid if he is gonna dish it out he's gonna have to learn to take it! I've decided that's the next words to "Farmer" should this subject come up again. . .Or, I could ask her if I should call her every time "Whinebag" teases Bud. . .Enough is enough - we are talking about 16 - 17 year olds here!


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Silly Hily said...

I wouldn't really say grow up to the boys as much as I would the mom.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I would hope at that age they can take a little ribbing...I mean come on....geesh

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

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At 3:05 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

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At 3:06 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

I agree Silly and it's really hard for me not to just scream it at mom! LOL - I did edit my post to read for "Farmer" to grow the hell up as that was who I was referring to. . .

That's my point Cheeky. Thank you! At this age there is a lot of ribbing going on. . .

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BUT - on the other hand, do you really know what your son is teasing this boy about? Has your son maybe taken it too far?

If a parent has to step in, sometimes it is for the better. Teens can be cruel to each other. Is it not better that she brought it to your attention instead of letting it esculate to something more (like a fist fight or heaven forbig gunshots?)

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

Actually anonymous - I do know because "Farmer" told me. . .Just as I stated in my post. . .Teasing about it not being a Chevy. . .

If "Whinebag" would keep his mouth shut half the time it wouldn't have come to him getting teased. . .

Sorry, but you HAVE TO KNOW THIS KID. . .and the kids that are accused of this would NEVER use guns to solve this goofy little deal. . .

The boys that "Whinebag" has complained about to his momma have been told to keep their mouths shut and leave him alone. . . Therefore, "Whinebag" will now have FEWER friends than he already did because of past incidents just as this one. . . .

Sorry, but in this case it's a bunch of pooh!

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Karmyn R said...

"Whinebag" is going to quickly learn as he grows older that he can't always run to mama to fight his battles for him.

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Pamela said...

It's tough being a mom...

I remember three daughters... and how cruel their friends could be.
and then when they grew up how cruel they were to each others. Those scamps!

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

Thanks Karmyn - that is the point I'm trying to make here. . .There comes a time that mama can't fight the battles and this is so damn silly!

Yes Pamela it is tough. . .I'm so glad God gave me boys. . .the stories I hear about girls are horrible!

I just know that as a mom and something this silly it should just be blown off. . .it was all in fun and it wasn't like "Whinebag" didn't ask for it - he had done his fair share of teasing in the past - what's that saying? "Paybacks are hell?"

At 6:52 PM, Blogger SongBird said...

I'm with you Shauna. The whole situation does seem rather silly! True that I don't have any children, but after 15 years of teaching I have witnessed a lot teasing. Not to mention a lot of teenage drama!!! There are always those kids like "Whinebag" that love to pick on others, but can't take what they dish out.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger willowtree said...

I'm not buying into this, I'm just saying hello. My years of coaching have taught me that EVERY mother is right (in their mind) as far as their children are concerned, regardless of the actual situation. However I do empathise with you Shauna.

I hope that didn't sound snotty, it wasn't meant to.

At 4:38 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

Thanks Songbird! You witness these things everyday. . .Yes, sometimes they can be taken way out of hand. "Farmer" hasn't said anymore to me about the situration and we have dropped it here. BB on the other hand has told "Farmer" the things that "Whinebag" has told her son and asked what the difference was. . .

Willowtree, I would like to think that my children are always right, true. . .My kids are asked many questions and HAVE TO ACCOUNT for their wrongdoings and they know that I HAVE MY WAYS of finding things out. . .Bud never denied teasing "Whinebag" and even told me the same thing "Farmer" did. So, in my eyes THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE to my kid being right and admitting that my kid was right in there with the others.
In other words, I don't see that I need to buy into anything - my kid told me the same thing "Farmer" did. He admitted what he had done - "Whinebag" just wants to be felt sorry for.

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this site through a friend's site and thought I would throw my two cents in. It sounds to me like this is being blown way out of proportion.

Does your so-called friend, Farmer, know that you write this blog? What will happen if she finds out?

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

My FRIEND knows I have a blog. As far as what happens it she finds it, I don't know. . .Wait and see if it happens. . .

Yes, "Farmer" is my friend. . .Just like with anyone, you don't agree with everything they do - I'm sure there are things about me that she doesn't like and hasn't said to me, just as I with her.


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