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Monday, January 15, 2007

A Bit of a Break

We didn't get hammered like a lot of people did. . . Yes! Sorry for those of you who did. . .

Today's games are postponed to Wednesday. . .my times will not be conflicting which is a little wierd BUT I WILL TAKE IT! Scoop will play at 11:30 and Bud will play at 3. I should have plenty of time to get back for Bud's game. . .

It's still going to be busy, but not as bad. . .YEEESSSS!

I can use this evening to get ahead on homework, maybe? :) I'm taking a Telecommunications class and IT IS VERY, VERY BORING. . .My other 3 classes are actually pretty interesting. . .Advertising is going to keep me on my toes! We stay the whole time and do 1 - 2 projects a day. . .PLUS homework!

Have a WONDERFUL MONDAY! I must be off to work. . . :)


At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to love Advertising in college.

I miss that class.

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Pamela said...

The ice was advantage Shauna


At 6:15 PM, Blogger SongBird said...

Shauna, No, we didn't get the ice and sleet over here. At least not much. It rained around 7 inches over the weekend so high water really was more of an issue than the wintery stuff. I don't have any ice on the trees out in the woods where I live, but I did see some ice about 7 miles up the road as I drove to school this morning.

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

Jenny - so far so good - it is pretty interesting. . .

Pamela - the sleet we got was a good thing. . .:)

Songbird - I'm glad to hear you didn't get hit like our eastern OK.


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